Q : Vexa is free to use?

A : Yes no fee for signup


Q : What is the fee per transaction?

A : Only 0.20% per transaction


Q : There is a minimum amount per transaction required?

A : Yes it's 0.01 VXA.


Q : There is minimum fee amount per transaction?

A : No, only 0.20% per transaction nothing more.


Q : What type of business is allowed?

A : Any legal business.


Q : Do you accept US residents?

A : No unfortunatly.


Q : When we stake our Vexa, funds are available any time?

A : Yes, interest too.


Q : What the interest return?

A : 10.95% per year credited each day (that mean 0.03% each day)


Q : Do you offer automatic tools for website owners?

A : Yes we have an IPN feature and payment links.


Q : Where i can purchase Vexa?

A : You can purchase on https://vexaexchange.com platform or any other who offer Vexa Buy/sell opportunity.


Q : Interest rate or transaction fees will never change?

A : We can if it's needed up or down transaction fees and interest rate, all depend Vexa supply/demand.

Have a question in mind?

Send us an email at support@vexa.site or by support ticket we will get back to you ASAP. Feel Free to contact us again.